Dear LTC Family:
Busy, busy day today! September 1, 2011, I plan to launch our first ever LTC Newsletter. This will provide all of our members with updated ways to get involved and featured inspirational stories!
If you would like to sign up for the LTC Newsletter, please send an e-mail to us at In the subject line put : NEWSLETTER , and include your full name and mailing address.
August 16, 2011
Dear LTC Family:
I try to share Aiden's story with just about anyone who will listen. Infant loss is a subject many people turn away from; that is a problem.
I was visiting my best friend in the maternity ward of the hospital in my town. My friend honored my Aiden by naming her new son after him. As we told the mid-wife how her Aiden got his name, I began talking about Learning to Cope and how proud I was of each and every member of our group. To my surprise, the mid-wife requested additional information about Learning to Cope for the hospital to give to newly bereaved parents. Absolutely excited and elated to be able for us to reach out on a local level, I delivered the same the following day.
I have a plan. If I can reach out locally, so can all of us. Together, we can change the WORLD and bring more awareness. If you are interested in helping, please e-mail me at .
August 2, 2011
Dear LTC Family:
A few new quirks have been updated in order that our blog is a little more user-friendly.
- At the top, under our logo, you will see a search box. You can use this to search for specific blog entries, content, or even google!
- Now you can follow via e-mail! You no longer have to be a registered g-mail user to follow this blog! Simply enter in your e-mail address and get notified via e-mail when new entries appear. This option is located on the left hand side of the blog.
- Posts are now listed in alphabetical order. There is now a table of contents in ABC-order which makes finding posts, or content, a little easier. Don't worry though, each post is still date archived. The archive can be found at the bottom.
Any questions? Ideas? Please e-mail me at
Love, Jes
July 28, 2011
My dearest LTC,
I am so excited to announce we have made it to Cafe Moms/The Stir. A big thank you to Michele Zipp for opening her heart and her column to my story, our story... If you would like to read "My Son's SIDS Death Nearly Killed Me Too," please click on the link below: